Frenchman Coulee

By Frenchman Coulee, there’s the North cataract. On the other side of Vantage highway, there’s a middle cataract which is a small cataract. South of the cataract, there's Echo Cove that stand tall in front of Echo Basin. From up there, there is a beautiful view of Echo Basin. You can also see the depression that the floods left behind at the bottom of the cataract.. South of Echo Basin, there is another cataract that has a pile of sand dunes at the bottom. At the top of that cataract, you can see the diatom which is white powder used for mining. If you keep going down Vantage Highway, you will eventually come to an end where the road and the Columbia River meet each other.

Frenchman Coulee has a waterfall in the eastern section of the Coulee that is accessible by foot. Across the basin of the Coulee is the base of a cliff where people have discarded full automobiles, bikes, tires, and other large bits of refuse all illegally dumped from the cliffs above.